partnership, formation program

Mobile Vaccine Clinic hosted by Homeless Prenatal Program and Native Amerian Health Center

Current Jesuit Volunteers join forces to get a mobile clinic up and running through garnering a partnership between their two organizations.

Elizabeth Lawton (San Francisco 2020-21) a Jesuit Volunteer (JV) at Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP), Galen Comerford (San Francisco 2019-2020), a Former Jesuit Volunteer (FJV) at HPP, and JV Michaela Byrne (San Francisco 2020-21) who serves at the Native American Health Center (NAHC), recently facilitated a partnership between their two organizations, to provide the COVID vaccine to 100 clients and staff at a mobile clinic in San Francisco, CA on Friday, April 9, 2021.

For some of our agency partners, they are the ones ensuring people are getting the vaccinations they need to live more comfortably and safely, work, and socialize again. Dr. Anjulipiya, the Lead Physician at our JVC Agency Partner, the Native American Health Center shared: “Every year we've been fortunate enough to receive volunteers from the JV program, and this year we had an amazing RN Michaela and we've been doing our vaccination clinics starting in December.”   

NAHC brought a mobile vaccine clinic to HPP where clients of HPP were able to sign up for a vaccine appointment or receive one on a drop-in basis. HPP runs a food, gift card, and diaper distribution on Friday’s so clients could sign up to receive their vaccine and get their food bag and gift cards like any other Friday. The client population included folks experiencing homelessness, in transitional housing, recently housed, folks with high-risk conditions, those over 50 years of age, and essential workers. Additionally, vaccines were made available to HPP staff and their families.  

Dr. Anjulipiya shared: “One day her and her roommates we're talking about their work and what they do and Liz was saying that this is the community that she works for that is the most vulnerable that hasn't had access to vaccine and those were the most hard-hit population so they just talked about amongst each other and brought up with this amazing plan of collaborating the two programs and doing that great mobile clinic here, and most of the people vaccinated are people of color people who have been homeless at one point of time. And you know, this is such a great blessing is like order to be a part of.” 


hpp clinic
clinic nurses
nahc hpp collaboration
clinic photo

Volunteer Michaela is one of the Registered Nurse who vaccinated clients during their visit. While Former Jesuit Volunteer Galen Comerford (San Francisco 2019-20) and JV Elizabeth focused the planning and organization for HPP, with the help of HPP HR director, Laura Springer, and NAHC’s lead physician, Dr. Anjuli Piya. The clinic was extremely successful and smooth, with few to no issues. HPP Staff received vaccines between 9:45 and 10 AM, and clients were vaccinated from 10 am – 3 PM when the last dose was administered. No adverse reactions took place, and clients expressed how grateful they were to have vaccines available at HPP. HPP and NAHC hope to have future clinics, and both organizations are extremely excited about the prospective ways to partner in the future.