Give to JVC

For over 60 years, the Jesuit Volunteer Corps has worked tirelessly for underserved communities across the world. Your support is essential to sustaining JVC's mission of forming young leaders committed to building a more just and hopeful world.

Every day, our volunteers are transformed by providing vital service and accompanying deserving communities. A gift to JVC allows us to maintain agency partner fees at a modest level, while also assuming the costs of training, supporting, and housing Jesuit Volunteers.

Make An Online Donation

Looking for an alternate way to donate? Scroll down to learn more!


We are honored by your faith and belief in our mission. We will gladly work with you to find a means of support with which you are most comfortable. Please review the options below and, as always, reach out to us at with any questions.

Online Giving

Go green and give online, where there will never be a stamp, paper, or carbon required to send in your donation. Consider making a regular monthly gift online. By spreading your payments across the course of the year, you can multiply the size of your overall donation and increase your impact for JVC.


You can make a lasting contribution toward our mission by considering a bequest to JVC through your will or living trust. For more information, contact the

Traditional Mail

If you would prefer to remit your donation through the mail, make your check payable to Jesuit Volunteer Corps and send it to:

Jesuit Volunteer Corps
801 Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

Memorial and Honorary Gifts

Any donation you make can become a tribute gift. For birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, promotions, holidays, or in memory of someone who has died, you can honor your loved ones with a gift to JVC. Be sure to make note of it along with your check, online donation, or in conversation with JVC staff.


If the stock you donate has appreciated in value from the time of your purchase, you can avoid paying future capital gains tax by donating shares directly to JVC. The full value of the shares at the time of the donation is tax deductible. Contact for more information.

Qualified Retirement Plan

Naming JVC as a beneficiary in your qualified retirement plan (IRA, KEOGH, 401(k) or 403(b)) could result in more assets being passed to your heirs than if you make a bequest from other funds in your estate. For more information, contact the

Matching Gifts

Your employer may match your donation to JVC. Contact your HR or payroll department about your company’s matching-gift policy: some may even match gifts made by spouses or retirees. When you send us your signed form, the impact of your gift may be doubled, or even tripled. Please note that JVC is a registered 501(c)(3) organization which derives it status from the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops, as listed in the Official Catholic Directory.

Send Me To Serve

Send Me to Serve is a fundraiser that allows JVs to connect the people in their lives to the year or years of service they are entering.

By sponsoring a JV today, you are…

-Bolstering their commitment to a sacrificial year or years of service.

-Supporting the facilitation of a quality formation program, including retreats.

-Helping our partner agencies continue and expand their ministries to the poor and marginalized.

-Ensuring that JVC can continue to recruit and send volunteers into the world for years to come.


FJV St. Ignatius house (2014-15) reunion Sacramento CA at Loaves and Fishes placement site.
San Antonio Jesuit Volunteer, March 2015
Los Angeles volunteer photographs of Casa Dorothy Kazel 2015-16